Taught by Takeshi Hayatsu

I had the privilege to be part of studios tutored by Takeshi Hayatsu twice during my study in Kingston School of Art, London.

In my third year, we built a 1/3 scaled model of the small chapel at the woodland cemetery of Stockholm, designed by Asplund. It was built just across Hogsmill from Knights Park, located in the ground of St.George primary school.



In the first year of my part 2 studies, we collaborated with Terunobu Fujimori and were a part of "The Japanese house: life and architecture after 1945" exhibition held in the Barbican. Led by Takeshi Hayatsu it took a team effort to translate sketches and ideas of Fujimori to a functioning tea house erected inside the Barbican center.


Tea house in T H's website :



A film made by Ben Tynegate:
